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Occupy White Walls
As you might have noticed, we released on Steam as Early Access a while ago. We want to shout this from the rooftops to reach new players, grow the community and make a bigger and better game.
So we're calling for you! Please help us to reach as many people as possible!
So, how can you help?
Dear lover of art, AI and abstract avatars,
Naturally, if you haven’t downloaded OWW yet, then go and download the game. It’s free and quite fun!
Please write a review and add tags to the OWW Steam page
(good tags to add are: Simulation, Sandbox, Building, Crafting, and Art of course)
Both of these are very important because the first means that Steam will be more likely to show us to new people and the latter means we’ll be found a lot easier. And as we all know, the fewer searches/steps between looking and finding, the more of a chance there is we’re discovered. Nobody has ever gone to the 10th page of a google search...
Social Media
Retweet, like, heart, share, upvote, leave a comment or share your own OWW experiences on your platform
of choice.
Facebook - Twitter - Instagram
Reddit - Twitch - Forums - Tumblr
If you’re feeling extra passionate about OWW it would be awesome if you could take a few screenshots, make a video or a gif and share them on Youtube, Twitch, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Imgur, 9gag, Instagram, Tumblr, hell you can even post it to MySpace!

Press, streamers, etc...
Email, tweet, send a carrier pigeon to every single writer and streamer you know. (Streamers get the cool Drone mask above too!)
For OWW, as a small (but growing) online indie game, word of mouth can make a huge difference.
Every little bit helps, even if you feel like your voice might not be heard in the loud chaos that is the internet, it only takes one voice to reach a person, and that person might reach another... If it works for communicable diseases, it could work for us...
Thank you for all of your help and support and for being patient, we know there have been a few bumps in the road. We do it for you, and art and DAISY, but mainly for you :)
See you on the other side!
Xoxo, DAISY and 'the Stikipixels'
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